22.21 - Soest / Warborch, c1575, by George Braun / Frans Hogenberg, Cologne

Two views on one sheet of Soest and Warborch in northern Germany. From one of the greatest publications of the 16th century; the Civitates was complied and written by George Braun who gathered vast amounts of information and then produced some 500 city plans, views and maps. Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral, produced his works in six parts between 1572 and 1617. The engravings were accomplished by Simon Novellanus and Frans Hogenberg, many from drawings by Joris Hoefnagel. The print is rated Excellent [see our rating criteria on the Home Page] was no apparent flaws and measures approximately (13.1″ x 18.5″ – 33.1 x 47.0 cm).