520.16 - Graecia Nova et Mare Aegeum S. Archipelagus, in que Mappa Macedonia, Albiania, Epirus Thessalia et Morea, cum ....ca1760, by Tobias Lotter, Augsburg
$350.00 -
(Zoom image – Hover slowly over image to see detail)

A densely detailed map that covers all of Greece, much of the Aegean Sea, and parts of Albania and Turkey. Large cities are shown as miniature birds-eye plans and smaller cities as tiny castles. A beautiful title cartouche finishes the map. The map is rated Excellent (see our rating criteria on the Home Page with no apparent flaws noted. The map measures approximately 22.5 x 19.4-57.2 x 49.3 cm
($12.00 shipping / handling / ins. - foreign postage addnl.)