520.22 - Prospect und Grund-Riss der Kayseri Residenz-Stadt Wien, ca 1720, by Johann Baptist Homann, Nuremberg

A beautiful map of old Vienna with fortifications and surrounding suburbs depicted in original color. A panoramic birds-eye view of the city adds to the grandeur of the map. The map has a numbered and lettered key to some 32 locations held aloft by an eagle and three putti. An elegant baroque engraving of soldiers, allegorical figures, Roman guards and weaponry flank the view of the city. The verso is blank. Printed on heavy chart paper the map has a dark impression and full margins. It is rated Very Good [see our rating criteria on the Home Page] with no apparent flaws and measures approximately (22.4″ 19.0″ – 56.9 x 48.3 cm).